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How does weighted phrase filtering work?

Weighted Word and Phrase Filtering works by looking at all the text that appears in
an E-mail, then giving combinations of words and phrases described in the Rules a positive or negative weight value.

  •  Phrases associated with good subjects will have negative values.

  •  phrases associated with bad subjects will have positive values.

The values are added together to
give the E-mail a total weight.

If the total weight equals or exceeds the Weight Threshold set for a Group, then the E-mail is flagged for moderation.

There are four ways you can match words. Using the word can as an example:

1. Exact Match - This will only match the word can by itself.

2. Contains - This will match can, candy, scandal, or pecan.

3. Begins With - This will match can or candy.

4. Ends With - This will match can or pecan.

You can match phrases in the same way. Using the phrase net cam as an example:

1. Exact Match - This will only match the phrase net cam by itself.

2. Contains - This will match net cam, net camera, internet camera, or internet cam.

3. Begins With - This will match net cam or net camera.

4. Ends With - This will match net cam or internet cam.

You can also make rules based on the existance of more than one word or phrase in an E-mail.

For instance, you can give an E-mail one weight value if it just
contains the word breast,

but give it a different weight value if it contains breast and chicken.

these kinds of rules helps eliminate false flagging that may occur for words that have more than one meaning.

Keywords: filter,language,block,words

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How do I remove a word from the language filter?

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